Why us?

2LearnGroup Academy is a premier educational institution dedicated to fostering a collaborative and engaging learning environment. At the heart of our pedagogy lies the belief that group classes can significantly enhance the learning experience, encouraging students to develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter while honing their interpersonal skills. By promoting teamwork, critical thinking, and effective communication, our group classes empower students to become well-rounded learners equipped for success in the modern world.

2Learn Academy offers courses for our students to connect and pave their way to an aspiring professional career.

It helps young students and adults to improve or learn a new language and prepare for an exam.

Take your language skills to the next level!

Unlocking Language Proficiency for Every Level and Every Age

At 2LearnGroup Academy, we take pride in offering a comprehensive range of language classes designed to cater to learners of all levels and ages. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, a young child or an adult, our academy provides expert instruction in English, German, Chinese, French, and Spanish. We believe that language acquisition should be accessible and enjoyable for everyone, and our diverse language program reflects this commitment.

English Classes

Our English language classes cater to learners at every stage of their language journey. From basic grammar and vocabulary for beginners to advanced conversation and writing skills for more proficient speakers, our experienced instructors employ engaging teaching methods to ensure effective learning outcomes.

German Classes

German language classes at 2LearnGroup Academy provide an immersive learning experience, enabling students to develop their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. With a focus on cultural understanding and real-life application, our German classes create a solid foundation for language fluency.

Chinese Classes

Our Chinese language program is tailored to meet the needs of both beginners and advanced learners. Through interactive lessons and cultural immersion activities, students acquire essential Mandarin skills, including character recognition, pronunciation, and conversational abilities.

French Classes

Immerse yourself in the richness of the French language and culture through our comprehensive French classes. From introductory lessons to advanced grammar and literature, our instructors create an engaging environment that nurtures language proficiency and cultural appreciation.

Spanish Classes

Whether you are starting from scratch or aiming to refine your existing Spanish skills, our Spanish language classes offer a dynamic learning experience. Through interactive exercises, role-plays, and multimedia resources, students develop a solid foundation in vocabulary, grammar, and oral expression.


We maintain small class sizes to ensure every student has the opportunity to actively participate and receive personalized attention from our experienced educators. This allows for meaningful interactions and effective group dynamics.

We carefully curate diverse groups by considering students’ abilities, backgrounds, and learning styles. This ensures that each group benefits from a range of perspectives, promoting creativity and critical thinking.

Our educators act as facilitators, guiding group discussions and encouraging students to explore different viewpoints, analyze concepts, and develop their conclusions. This approach cultivates independent thinking and fosters a spirit of intellectual curiosity.

We provide structured collaborative activities and projects that challenge students to work together, pool their resources, and solve problems collectively. These activities build teamwork, leadership skills, and adaptability.

We have designed our language programs with a strong emphasis on individualized learning. Our curriculum addresses the unique needs and goals of each student, ensuring that learners of all levels and ages receive personalized attention and support.

Our language instructors are highly qualified and experienced in teaching their respective languages. They employ effective teaching methodologies, interactive techniques, and authentic materials to create an immersive and engaging learning environment.

To make language learning enjoyable and effective, we incorporate a wide range of activities into our classes. These include group discussions, role-plays, interactive exercises, multimedia resources, and cultural immersion experiences. Such varied activities cater to different learning styles and enhance language proficiency.

We believe in monitoring students’ progress and providing regular feedback. Our instructors assess individual performance, provide constructive guidance, and offer strategies for improvement. This approach ensures that students stay motivated and continually progress in their language-learning journey.

Broaden your horizons

At 2LearnGroup Academy, we are committed to empowering learners of all levels and ages with the skills and confidence to communicate effectively in English, German, Chinese, French, and Spanish. With our tailored curriculum, experienced instructors, and engaging learning activities, we strive to make language learning an enriching and rewarding experience for all. Join us on this exciting journey to unlock your language potential and broaden your horizons in an interconnected world.

Group classes at 2LearnGroup Academy offer a transformative learning experience that goes beyond traditional classroom settings. By harnessing the power of collaboration, communication, and critical thinking, our students develop not only a deep understanding of the subject matter but also the skills necessary for success in their academic pursuits and future careers. Our commitment to fostering a supportive and engaging learning environment empowers students to thrive academically and personally, preparing them to become confident, well-rounded individuals in an ever-evolving world.

Advantages of Group study

Collaboration and Teamwork

Group classes provide students with opportunities to collaborate with their peers, fostering a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. Through engaging in discussions, brainstorming sessions, and group projects, students learn to value diverse perspectives, appreciate the strengths of their classmates, and work together towards common goals.

Active Participation

Group classes promote active participation, allowing students to express their thoughts, ask questions, and engage in meaningful discussions. This interactive learning environment encourages students to take ownership of their education, develop critical thinking skills, and explore various viewpoints.

Enhanced Learning Outcomes

Research has consistently shown that students who participate in group classes often achieve higher levels of academic success. The exchange of ideas and knowledge within a group setting can deepen understanding, reinforce concepts, and provide valuable insights that may be missed in individual studies. Students also benefit from peer-to-peer learning, where they can learn from and teach their classmates.

Communication Skills

Group classes provide an ideal platform for students to enhance their communication skills. Students develop effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills by actively listening, articulating their thoughts, and engaging in respectful debates. These abilities are essential for academic success, workplace, and social interactions.

Peer Support and Motivation

Group classes create a supportive environment where students can encourage and motivate one another. By sharing successes, tackling challenges together, and providing constructive feedback, students build a strong support network. This positive peer interaction fosters a sense of belonging, boosts confidence, and increases overall motivation.

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пожалуйста, выберите ваш язык: